Tag Archives: gift

Take Time

I was reviewing emails, texts and facebook posts and have to pause…

Often times we let ‘little things’ get in the way of our happiness or we get too ‘busy’. As I read through peoples communications with me I realize that I am profoundly fortunate to have such caring, remarkable friends.

People taking time from their hectic lives to wish me a great day or send a prayer or say, ‘I read this and thought you might find value in it’ or ‘I was thinking of you’.

WOW! What a lovely gift; A Friend who is taking time for me.

On The Wings of A Butterfly

Your friendship is special
Like the flowers that bloom,
Or when a butterfly emerges
From within its cocoon…

You remind me of that butterfly,
Loving and free,
Bright and colorful,
For the world to see…

We will share sunshine and rainbows;
Sometimes, the rain and the snow;
We’ll stand together through it,
While the cold winds blow…

When the time is right,
We won’t stop to ask “Why?”
Our friendship will take flight
On the wings of a butterfly …

by Christine McClimans

We don’t know WHEN a friendship will bloom ~ so for today’s Life’s Agreement:

Keep our hearts and minds open to friends and friends to be.


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